Καθημερινές ουρές χιλιάδων νεόπτωχων ανέργων και χαμηλοσυνταξιούχων στα χριστουγεννιάτικα συσσίτια της εκκλησίας !!!
Αυτή είναι η μετα-μνημονιακή ανάπτυξη που θα φέρει στην Ελλάδα η ολοκλήρωση των μνημονίων και η έξοδος στις αγορές !!!
Number of people receiving food from Capuchin Centre will probably go over 3,000 !!!
About 3,000 people, including elderly people and children, queue for Christmas food parcels at the Capuchin Centre in Dublin
About 3,000 people, including elderly people and children, queue for Christmas food parcels at the Capuchin Centre in Dublin
Danny, an elderly man from Fairview in Dublin, will share his food parcel on Christmas Day with a neighbour who also lives alone.
"He has a bad hip so he couldn't come here today. I'll share mine with him," he smiles.
Danny, who doesn't want to give his surname, is one of more than 3,000 people queueing for Christmas food parcels at the Capuchin Centre in Dublin on Thursday.
The queue, which includes elderly people and young children, began about 6am. By 9.30am it stretches from the door of the centre's Bow Street entrance down the street, around the corner and along May Lane reaching Church Street.
Br Kevin Crowley, who runs the centre, believes the queue is "bigger than last year". A number of gardaí, present because of the numbers, are in good humour and chatting with those queueing.
Danny explains he is on a disability pension and lives in a two-room flat, for which he pays €150 a week. He is "lucky" with his landlady who is good to him. The maximum he is permitted to pay, however, is €109 a week to qualify for his €74 a week rent allowance.
"I could apply for a higher rent allowance, but I'd have to tell them how much rent I'm really paying, and if I didn't get the increase they [Department of Social Protection] could tell me I have to leave the flat. I can't take that risk. It is a struggle.
"I come here most Wednesdays for a food parcel and that helps."
from ΚΙΝΗΜΑ ΥΠΕΡΒΑΣΗ http://ift.tt/2hZ6EFb
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